Ireland is such a beautiful country. I particularly loved the Cliffs of Moher on the west coast. When I was here last time in 2008 Tiffany's mom asked me to throw a rock off a cliff for her. I did but I was on the east coast at the time and it was off a cliff but not directly into the ocean... ssoooooo I thought it best to have a do-over. I threw three rocks off the the Cliffs of Moher; one for Tiffany's mom, one for my mom, and one for O-ma. It was a pretty special moment.. I got the first two out and then I dont know what happened but I made a bad throw and it didnt go over the edge. I almost started to cry but then Whitney handed me a 'do-over' rock.. its like she knew I would need it.. It was a do-over's do-over of sorts.
I loved the Cliffs as well. We laid on our bellies and looked over the edge. It was so... EVERYTHING that it was hard to breath.