Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's a good day

Hello hello hello... today is a good day. I woke up in quite the good mood. I go in today to do a 3 hour evaluation for the serving job at Hard Rock. I dont get paid for it cause its like the second part of the interview. If they like me and how I perform then they will let me know if I have the job. My foot is still on the fritz but I am tough so I will just push through. I bought a hair dryer and straightener so getting ready today has been easier. I dont have to be there until 4 so I am takin my sweet time.

My roommates are really cool.. tonight is this one girl Clara's birthday and she invited me to go out with them to celebrate. She put me on the 'list' to get into this club.. should be a good time. They are always cooking and hangin out in the living room.. there is someone always coming and going around here.

I will be happy to start working so I have a schedule of sorts..dont get me wrong, I love not having any certain thing to do.. I just chill and do pretty much what I want...but the income will be nice and hopefully I will make more friends at the job too.. aahh, its a good day :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I woke up this morning.. walked to the store and got some staples.. and when i went to cook, my stove is so old that it takes forever to heat up an eye, it took me and hour to make bacon, eggs, and toast. i stood there watching the bacon cook slowly...very slowly.. i had plenty of time to chop up some garlic and onions to add to my eggs.. it was almost like a meditation process.. I was very aware of what I was doing.. but I must say... it came together and i havent have a breakfast so lovely in quite some time! granted its 12:40 and i got up to start this almost 2 hours ago.. it was worth it. (if only i had some biscuits n gravy it would have been perfect)

Friday, May 27, 2011

my brain is a magnet

Ok call me crazy but I honestly believe my brain is a magnet.. if I think about something positive I want in my life.. it seemingly comes true! I went out to 'pound the pavement' and walk around handing out my CV and apply for jobs... the first place I went to was Hard Rock Cafe-Dublin and the host who took my CV was very polite but sorta hurried me off.. I left there saying over and over in my head that I would really like to work there.. the location is right in Temple Bar.. about a 8minute walk from my house, and it just seems like a cool place.. I mean come on, its the Hard Rock! well.. I hadnt even found another place to go yet.. just walkin along and my phone rang (about 15 minutes after I left there) IT WAS THE MANAGER of Hard Rock.. she asked me to come in tomorrow for an interview! aahhhh! So the lesson here today kids is this: use your brain wisely.. visualize what you want in your brain to actualize it! I mean so far my magnet brain has been doin all the work for me :)

my bed is made

I have settled in to my new flat quite nicely. I bought a duvet and cover. I am so lucky to have a double bed.. I can stretch, and a window so it doesnt feel like prison. That picture above my desk and mirror was left in here... I NEED POSTERS> my walls are very empty. I have been doing a lot of reading in my comfy bed.. so I need a new book. any suggestions? When I first got here I bought a book in Belfast, Northern Ireland, called The Spirit of the Titanic, which was where the Titanic was built. It was about this kid who worked on her and he fell to his death. His ghost got to go on the ship's maiden voyage.. and then the usual recap of the sinking.. but he got to save this little family.. it was very warming. I also read City of Fallen Angels. Its the fourth book of the Mortal Instruments series; vampire, werewolves, demons and such. It was very good but ended so that there could be a fifth! I think I need to read something with a little more substance this time. I guess I will meander through the tons of books stores in Dublin until I find something good.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

grand...its all grand

went for a short jog tonight along the River Liffey. saw some strong, grunting row men in a canoe.. thought it would make me run faster...it didnt. it felt good to be out by the water though. I ironed my clothes for a very professional day tomorrow. whats harder than ironing a crease in your pants is ironing two creases out.. gosh, ironing is a complicated art I have yet to master. found out today that the clothes dryer does not work well.. I guess I will buy a rack tomorrow.. I'm about out of undies.. and those of you who know me know that I would rather go buy new ones than wash clothes but until I get a job I need to spend sparingly. I have been DYING to buy new clothes tho.. and shoes.. I want some high top sneakers.. real bad. ahhh the job will come and thus the money. its all grand..it really is.

Hope is the pillar that holds up the world.

I am hopeful. I'm hopeful that my new duvet is comfy because last night my lil ol t-shirt quilt just wasnt cuttin it. I am hopeful that when I move someone helps me because I have already accumulated quite a bit of stuff in my room. I am hopeful that tomorrow I can successfully register with the garda, acquire a PPS number (which will allow me to work with a tax return), and follow-up with an application to which I am hopeful to get the job. Finally, I am hopeful that I will get skinny living in this city because I WALK EVERYWHERE.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

moving day

While I am very excited to have my own room and really chill roommates, I have found one slight problem with this apartment that I was unaware of.. there is NO hot water in the shower!! yea, I didnt even think to ask when I originally looked at the place. ah, well nothing more sobering than a freezing cold shower. Other than that.. the location is great, the people here are really friendly. The Spanish girl Ulga cooked lunch and shared with me.. the girl whos room I am taking is very nice.. she and I are gonna go out to watch the soccer match, Northern Ireland vs Republic of Ireland tonight.. it should be a great game to watch. HUGE rivals. I am happy to have brand new sheets on my bed in a room that I dont have to share with anyone! I dont know that I will stay here the entire time I am in Dublin but I am looking forward to some pretty fun months ahead :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Obama in Ireland

Don't mess with Obama...
or Chuck Norris for that matter.
I was planning on going to hear the
United States President
give a speech on College Green
in Dublin but I have since
thought otherwise...not cause I am scared
he will call Chuck Norris
on me cause I would never stiff the
First Lady like that.. I'd hug
her tight! :) but because it is very
windy and it is packed already.
People are lining the streets but can't
go in until 2pm. Its 1:00pm
and he doesn't speak until 5! I think I will
sit in my warm hostel lobby
and watch it on Sky News.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Soggy Feet

That will be the last time I wear canvas shoes out.. ugh. I honestly dont mind the rain but I love my TOMS more. They will just have to be inside shoes only :/

Accommodation and Sports

Tonight is the last night I will be staying at Abigail's hostel!! yay! Tomorrow night I will be in a much cooler hostel for only one night.. grrr I should have been staying there this whole time.. but anyway the point is I move into my own bedroom in an apartment on Tuesday at noon! Thats 7am for anyone on the east coast of the U.S. so if you wanna help me move you will probably have to book a flight for tomorrow. I probably will have to call a taxi. While it is close enough to walk, I have so much stuff that it would be silly to try to maneuver it all down the streets of Dublin City Center with a big target on my back.

Yesterday I watched the rugby match Leinster, Ireland vs Northampton, UK and it was AMAZING! I havent ever watched a whole game of rugby before nor did I really care to but DANG it was good. Leinster made a come back of 18 points and showed those Brits how to play. The pub went crazy cause it was the Heineken Cup 2011. I am scared to say this....but I think its better than American Football. aahhhh dont kill me and I have been sticking to my American guns with most stuff but Rugby is where its at! and these Irish men really make it look good! They dont wear massive pads like in football so you can actually SEE them ;) plus the clock doesn't stop so its a much quicker game. Now I just have to get used to soccer.. which I refuse to call it by any other name. The only thing I have changed is I have to say 'American Football' when I am talking about regular football but I still say SOCCER. It does make me sad I havent watched any of the NBA Playoffs.. Go Bulls..Beat the Heat. And thats all today with AshleighBlogsSports.com

do-overs are necessary

Ireland is such a beautiful country. I particularly loved the Cliffs of Moher on the west coast. When I was here last time in 2008 Tiffany's mom asked me to throw a rock off a cliff for her. I did but I was on the east coast at the time and it was off a cliff but not directly into the ocean... ssoooooo I thought it best to have a do-over. I threw three rocks off the the Cliffs of Moher; one for Tiffany's mom, one for my mom, and one for O-ma. It was a pretty special moment.. I got the first two out and then I dont know what happened but I made a bad throw and it didnt go over the edge. I almost started to cry but then Whitney handed me a 'do-over' rock.. its like she knew I would need it.. It was a do-over's do-over of sorts.