I know the title of this post may be a bit ironic if you know me at all.. I am always on the go and always planning the next adventure before the current one ends...however, this trip was relaxing and slow paced. very zen and mindful. calm.
We took a boat tour through the canals and it was by far the best way to see the city. I have not had a vacation that was this relaxing. ever. You know how when you go on vacation it always or usually has a little stress to go with it... or you are so worried about having a good time and doing as much as possible that when you get home you need a vacation from being on vacation? This trip wasnt like that at all. We didnt plan anything ahead of time (other than the hostel) and just calmly and pleasantly strolled around seeing what we could see. I really hope to make it back before I come home.

Lisa and I were talking about going back before we leave Ireland because we were so laid back about not worrying to do every tourist attraction or walk through every museum that there are some things that we would enjoy doing if we were lucky enough to go back. Namely, The Anne Frank House and The Heineken Factory. I think we will skip the Red Light District next time!
Blogging about it now makes me remember how awesome it was and sorta makes me want to book a plane ticket right now. hahaha but I have a few other places up my sleeve I wanna visit first. Not to freak anyone out but all I'm gonna say right now is I am about to get all Middle Eastern up in here. ;)